This is really fun! I used to post on here a few years back (i think i have a log of some type floating around), but a lot has changed since then! I am older, wiser (getting there ) and doing another competition in October...WPD. My name is Mattie, im 32 and live in SW Washington. Been into fitness since '07, did my first comp in '10, did quite a few things wrong, learned a ton. Since then have become a personal trainer and work at an awesome gym and love my job! Recently divorced and have poured my energies into this show...nice to have a positive focus WOOP WOOP!!! been lurking around on here again reading up on supps but i saw this thread and thought, shit, why not say hey?!!
Mattie...I remember your log and reading it, as a lurker here way back when. I was so happy to see your post. Sounds like a lot has changed since then!! I'm pumped about your upcoming show. That kind of stuff always motivates me. Congrats on the career change too. Can you make a decent living doing that? I've been thinking about a change.
So glad you posted!