Iron Warrior707
I really do believe that the body adjusts to AAS. if you start going heavy with doses, you will have to keep going heavy unless you take a long time off. maybe the whole burned anabolic receptors is broscience, i dunno. but i will say my first ever cycle hit me HARD. it was 500 a week of sustanon and i swear it hit me like a thunderbolt.. i was jumping out of bed screaming at 5:30am and going to the gym and throwing weights around.. had raging appetite, raging horniess, felt like i was king of the world and unstoppable. was it fresh receptors? whatever you want to call it it was obvious 500mg of test a week gave my body an incredible shot... i haven't felt like that since my first cycle when i've run a cycle, haven't felt the thunderbolt.. my point is 500mg was ample, and that my body has changed since then and doesn't react the same.
lol, my first cycle that was 2 yrs ago was also 500mg of sustanon250 a week, the strength i got was insane, i was superhuman, at bw of 175 i could dumbell curl 70lbx8, bent row 300x6 and lat pulldown 270x5 after training for a year only, thats how strong i got, now after 2 years without juice and 60lb heavier i can do just a bit more than those numbers..
The reason your body doesnt react to 500mg anymore is because you kept increasing the dosage to get more results, or you could of took a year off from the test and get back on 500 or 600mg of sust again and get the same results you got at first, i still believe you can get the same results as your first cycle if you stop taking aas, (even after cycling for years) for atleast 3-4 years so you'll be back fresh but i know people are just so impatient and take whatever they get their hands on..
Its good to see there are still ppl like radar and power who bust ass and not just take higher dose to get more result..