I did it from Feb to July of this year.
Squat - 170x5 to 305x5
Deadlift - 185x5 to 340x5
Bench - 145x5 to 205x5
BB Press - 80x5 to 135x5
I couldn't bench for a couple of months during this time, so I could have easily added more.
I was really skinny when I started. People consider me a big boy now. In reality I'm not (went from 170ish to about 200), but the point is I did get a lot bigger. I did get a little too fat, but that really doesn't have to do with the workout. I saw the most growth in my legs and traps. My chest and arms did grow, but like I said, I couldn't bench for a long time. I have since changed routines, and I'm cutting. I've dropped to about 185 and I'm still keeping my gains for the most part. I think 5x5 is a great place to start.