i understand, and i have gotten help and posted my diet in here, macros all that stuff and have settled on a doable diet with others help. ive had a cleaned up diet for about 2-3 weeks now, and im actually already starting to notice little differences. a bit of definition in my lats, a seperation between my shoulder and chest.. minor things, but new things
. even at that carb level my lifts are still going up. perhaps even 50-75 good carbs and good diet for all my macro and caloric intake is better than the previous crap i ate which included significantly more carbs and well.. everything lol. i did chin ups with a 25 pound weight for the first time ever a decent amount yesterday. 5,4 and 2 reps. i was pretty stoked.
Some of the questions i have been asking recently and in the near future are not so much to put into practice right away either. but to learn more about dieting, and understanding it more thoroughly for when i do need to make adjustments down the road.
but to help i am 25 years old, 5 foot 11, 195 pounds (2-3 weeks ago-im trying not to live by the scale) i used to be in really good shape more from being young i suppose and active and weightlifting.. although with minimal knowledge and bro-science so very poorly lol. after using the benedict equation my caloric intake is 2200 cals and i was recommended a 50/30/20 macro breakdown. so 50-75 is a little low but im still figuring this shit out. fat 72, carbs 75, protein 200. this is the actual breakdown for macro content i did in my notebook that i aim for every day. once a week i eat an extra 6/700 cals. still clean tho.
this is my first go at doing a diet this proper and breakdown and so forth so it is a learning process as i go and i appreciate all comments and input and it will be a work in progress for a long time, so all help and shared knowledge is appreciated