BUS, I have had 4 surgeries in the last year and a half due to injuries sustained from football. I used to be in great shape but since I've been going through PT and different surgeries I have gained weight, and lost motivation to take it off and become the athlete I once was. Seeing your progress has givin me a kick in the ass to get back in the gym and start eating right again. THANX BUS!!! Can you give me some idea of your nutrition program and did you do a cycle at any time during your transformation?
thanks man.
basicly this is what i did
i went from only eating 2-3 times a day of hudge servingsa of trash to 6 smaler meals
dailey values are
300 grmas pro
75-150 grams of carbs
and about 25-30 grams of fat
and around 1600-2000 cal a day
chinken breast,tuna fish and red meat
i need to add more veggies and be more consitant with my efas
i am mow using stacker 2 and am consindering a cycle of clen/t3
no juice
basicly for me it was just cut out the junk food and soft drinks.
don't eat 5 servings of fruitloops at 10:00 at nite
and start cardio 40 min a day 7 days a week
my lifting routine when i first started was right out of the arnold encylopedia chest/back blah blah blah
i started doing my lifting bfl style not working worth a shit for me. i am gonna go back to to my older split and medium weight medium rep high set workouts
for instance
back & bi
deadlifts 1x12 2x10 3x8 4x6 5x10
lat pull downs
cable rows
barbell curls
incline curls
chest tri
flat bench press
inlcine bench press
machine fly
rope pull down
overhead tri ext
wends off
leg press
leg ext
hack squat
lug curl
str leg dead lift
standing calf raise
donkey calf raise
shoulders traps
seated d.b. press
lat d.b. raise reverse fly
barbell shrug
d.b. shurg
machine shurg
cardio every day 40 min tredmeill and eliptical except leg day.
than the folowing week i will do barbell rows or t bar rows for back insted of deadlift and do heavy squats for legs insted of leg presses
i rarely do the exact same workout every week but it is always that spilt and simalr motions i just change excersizes for instance in sted of d.b. lat raise i will do machine lat raises the next week or machine overhead press insted of d.b. presses