My goal when I started and still is to be vascular when not working out. I figure I am lean enough at that point. That and bench 500. I am at 350 now (twice). Got a couple years to go.
So looks like needsize and bigmag are the only ones who are going for the freaky look--although the response has obviously been pretty low. Still, I'm surprised.
I'm 6'2", so if I don't get any taller I want to be a Men's Health cover guy with some more muscle in the right places. Same ripped look, cuz I think it would look best on me.
this is my 18th year in the iron jungle. I've always trained for power to increase my althletic performance in other sports. I've now changed to go for "show" vs "go" as I have been lucky and remained injury free to my 33rd birthday...
I'm strictly trainining for symmetry now to bring up my lagging bodyparts. I need to bring my thighs up to size, maybe another inch and lower my bodyfat down to 9-10%.