The plan moving forward is officially start the cycle on Monday July 17th 2023.
100mg test/100mg primo Monday
100mg test/100mg primo Friday
Which will bring us to a grand total of 400mg combined with both compounds.
For the start of this I will hold off on the AI and see if primo will work it's magic and help control estrogen on its own at the start, if not I have 1mg Arimidex tablets as my fail safe. If I really want to low dose it, I also Have some arimidex in .13mg so I could easily go that route as well or quarter the 1mg Arimidex tablets and taken it in a smaller amount that way, many ways to approach the estrogen.
Also I will clarify here my favorite injection site is the ventro glute I have very little fat in that area so access to that muscle is super easy and wirh it being a big muscle it will hold the oil no problems.
When I used to inject for trt I always utilized that area super easy and a breeze to inject.
I went with a 28g 1ml syringe for my injections, I know what you are thinking why didn't you use a 25g needle, well simple answer to cut down on possible scar tissue in the muscle. I could easily use a 25g but for me imo I don't see the point other then the drawing aspect of the testosterone.
I never had issues drawing with a smaller needle as I used to do it for my trt with 28g all the time, just a slower process but I am in no hurry I like to take my time wirh this and be as accurate as possible.
I was kicking around the idea of utilizing separate syringes for the injections, I know I could combine the liquids as the primo is paper thin compared to the testosterone, for me personally I like to see both compounds separate in separate syringes and I'd rather injection the test into one side and the primo into the other side rotating sides, it sounds silly for most, I am very methodical about how I do injections. One Week test on the right side and primo oh the left next injection test on the left side primo on the right. I understand I don't have to do that but I feel better rotating and seeing the both liquids 1 each side.
I know from experience with a 1/2" needle I can hit a shallow IM injection.
It wil add up to 2 injections of test a week broken up and 2 of primo 4 total injections, not bad and I don't mind pinning so 4 total injections does not bother me.
The reason I picked primo is imo primo and test combined are a perfect synergy and primo stacks so well for quality long term gains, the goal isn't to blow up the goal is to put on quality gains at a slow pace, those gains will be easier to maintain. I guess in my opinion I'd rather stay the same weight and look leaner and more filled out then pack on 15lbs of water and lose the majority of it later.
Primo is awesome because on lower calories I can preserve way more muscle with it plus the nitrogen retention will help keep the muscles in a more anabloic state and give me a nice pump along the way, to offen guys go catabolic in a cut and primo will help offset that from happening. I don't want to be the biggest or strongest I want to be the guy that is lean and well put together. I'd rather be 200lbs and have the appearance of looking 220lbs being smaller while looking bigger keeps me healthier along the way imo.
Primo may look weak on paper I feel that just is not the case here as it is so good at giving a well rounded polished look and it will help attack that adipose tissue maybe not in and extreme manner but enough to make a dent and help lean up a small amount.
So with all that is mind it is why I went with a test primo combo for this cycle while in my cutting phase of lifting.
Primo to me is the icing on the cake and a great tool to utilize at my current stage, I am not expecting massive results I am looking for small noticed body change over a long term period.
As always I hope everyone enjoys the details and my update/plan if anyone has any suggestions definitely leave them below as I constantly like to grow and evolve from the experience of others and sometimes there is a more efficient way of doing things.