New member
Tonight, I decided to try to bench more in a powerlifting fashion. I brought my grip in to pinky on the rings from index on the ring, because I found this is the only way I could truly keep my elbows tucked in at the side. Well it definitely felt weird, and I couldnt press the same amount of weight that I was used too. Although I imagine changing a form that I have been used to for the last 6yrs or so would feel quite foreign and be a little bit harder. I remember reading in a post that spatts said her chest doesnt get a pump after benching, well I must have been doing something right because I did not really feel a pump in my chest tonight either. For those of you who did make the conversion, did it feel really awkward for you at first, and how did you do afterwards? Did you change your grip width at all, to keep the elbows closer in? Also, did you add any other work for chest to make sure that it is fully exercised? Im interested to see how I will do with this, but I would like to get some input from those of you that have been through this conversion (ie. Joker, Citruscide and a few others I believe). Thanks!