It's kinda funny...for a while I was uber-hardcore on the HST boards. I would go like multiple times each day. I'm still a huge supporter of the program, perhaps even moreso now than I used to be, but now I post here three times as much as I do there. Why? It's boring when everybody agrees with you
Yep, people come and go, it’s a shame in a way, or at least they change their screen name (although more so those that post on the more controversial boards, for legal reasons a lot of the time).
I first came to Elite back in 2000, if any of you guys where around then you will certainly know that there has been a massive change for the better on the training board. Anabolic has always been busy, but back then there where very few posts and even fewer with knowledge or constructive debate on training.
People will stay as long as there is valuable information and challenging debate, we never stop learning!
Long live those who are informed but question the norms (no names casualbb)
yeah i was and still am a regular on another board that is slowly dieing, been reading here since january, finally joined, but still enjoy mostly's funny i've read so many posts on this board i feel like i know many of u but of course u don't know me lol....