Most likely cause I am coming of cycle I am starting to think I might be getting sick though too I am getting these hot flashes that I thought were diet related but one of my co-workers is sick. He told me he had the hot flashes too
Most likely cause I am coming of cycle I am starting to think I might be getting sick though too I am getting these hot flashes that I thought were diet related but one of my co-workers is sick. He told me he had the hot flashes too
LOL sure were, you prolly did bring it back no doubt about that. I still got sick loaded up on vit's & all, if its gonna get ya, it's gonna get ya. Boo!
LOL sure were, you prolly did bring it back no doubt about that. I still got sick loaded up on vit's & all, if its gonna get ya, it's gonna get ya. Boo!
” The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body. “
~ Harry J. Johnson ~
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I was going to edit yesterday log info, any who I didn't eat my last 2 meals I got home and crashed out around 8ish didn't get up tell 7 am, aside for going tinkle one or twice at night. Also got up at one point sweating my ass off and couldn't find my thermometer to take my temp double GRRRRR. I am feeling pretty good though this morning, could be the two Cappuccinos I had so far. I love coffee bar day 7:30
All bran bar
¾ c skim milk
2 scope whey
1 liter water
2 fruit kabobs
Stuffed peppers
Diet coke
1 liter water
¾ c skim milk
2 scope whey
1 100g activa yogurt
1 liter water
¾ c skim milk
2 scope whey
1 100g activa yogurt
1 liter water The rest is TBA think I will get yesterday’s workout in tonight as long as I am still feeling good after work.
QT - I know you like Trioplex cookies .... JUST wanted to tell you I have HUGE 2 boxes of them (Choc Chip) at school. One of my kindergarten parents is Chef Jay.