my blackberry pearl sucks---my fat fingers cannot even dial a damn phone number
Eddy, hey yeah, here is the thing Eddy, like my parents in order to get me to stay in touch better with them last year in July got me an 8gig Iphone, well I hate phones or used to, but loved my I phone, I didn't start texting till like 2 months ago cause of GF and now that I graduated, and moving to another state and university for a small part in a psych research social psych study, I'm gonna probably use more minutes in keeping touch with fam, grad friends, GF, and texting and talking to a few peeps here. I was in a 2 year deal with my Iphone and my mom is gonna finish out my contract from Jan to July.
I was spending though like 80 a month and getting rollover action, but I used like 400 minutes a month max on it.
Its a fun phone to have, but U can't type worth a shit, and plus the only thing I want to take pictures of was hot undergrads and grad chicas on campus, big no no though if U wanna leave with the hope U can return and teach someday. Anyway, So I am avoiding 2 year contract cause I don't wanna spend another total 2000 for the phone and total deal.
I figure I can use the go phone plan and spend 40 a month with unlimited minutes using a smart phone that is better than the Iphone3g, which is an awesome phone, but if U wanna text at all, or post up, like I know I will be doing alot while traveling or whatever, than yeah no go.
I knew nothing at about phones, until the last 3 days I have studied the fuck out of them. The blackberries are solid,exept the pearl and even the storm are kinda disappointing.
I found the Nokia E71, which is actually ranked a bit higher than the BlackBerry Bold, and huge in Europe, but since its unlocked here, doesn't get any love. Its perfect for what I wanna do. Plus it came down from 500 to now 370. The reviews are excellent all the way around,
I figure I can still get the Google Android when it comes out or if I get sick of this bad boy after one year.
Its just a fucking phone, but due to this culture becoming embedded in expression, online culture now being culture, and communication/influence being a prereq for any business, phone has become a commodity that has embedded as a commodity of identity.
Oh well.