Sounds like you're back on track - the good news is that you have plenty of time to absorb a few days off. But when you are completely run down, that's your body telling you to take a break or it will take one for you. If you try to work thru it because you feel like time off training will only hurt you, then you are forgetting the other part of the equation that is called recovery. Your body will continue to make you take time off until you are pretty much out of any chance to do your show - so give it the rest it needs to recoup quickly and then hit it again.
Hope you are loading on lots of good quality vitamins, minerals, good anti-oxidants, getting good quality sleep, etc. Its very hard to do that under the constant pressure of competition prep but do everything you can to support your body while it goes thru this. Things like not being able to sleep because you are wired all the time - even that is a good time to step back from what you are doing and work on just relaxing your mind - if it means taking 5-10 min to stretch before bed to "come down" from the day or whatever - competition requires a very holistic approach to managing the stress that affects every aspect of your life 24/7 for the duration of your prep. I think of all the challenges of competition prep, the biggest is just learning how both your body and your mind respond to the stress and learning to manage it.
I also thought Nelson's suggestion to work on the posing stuff was good - that is more of a cerebral thing anyway but its an aspect of prep - conditioning - that I think is massively underappreciated. Not just the flexing and holding for conditioning, but also getting pictures, working on fine-tuning your presentation - the way you wear the pose the best -- get pix of variations of the pose at different angles - e.g. wider stance on the rear leg of a rear pose, different transitions on variations of an abs & thighs, etc. Work on your own portfolio of poses that you can pull out on stage to make the performance your own.