***Workout Updates***
Thursday, March 15, 2007
**Note to self: worked out at the Y so not compareable w/other weights**
Back and abs...
Lat sweeps (12 x 75)(12 x 80)(12 x 87.5)(11 x 87.5)
Triangle Bar Pulldown (12 x 87.5)(12 x 92.5)(12 x 100)(10 x 100)
Wide Grip pulldown (12 x 75)(12 x 80)(11 x 80)(10 x 80)
Cable seated rows (12 x 125)(12 x 137.5)(12 x 150)(12 x 155)
Rope twisting crunch (8 x 110)(8 x 120)(8 x 120)
Rope cable crunch (12 x 120)(12 x 130)(12 x 130)
5 min pre-WO warm-up, 45 minutes Spin class (I was teaching), 15 min elliptical
Friday, March 16, 2007
50 min a.m. cardio, 5 min pre-WO warm up
Delts and chest...
DB Bilateral shoulder raise (12 x 15) x 4
DB Shoulder press (12 x 40)(11 x 45)(11 x 45)(10 x 50)
Cable Unilateral front raise (12 x 15)(12 x 15)(12 x 20)(12 x 20)
Unilateral reverse pec dec (12 x 70)(12 x 70)(12 x 80)
DB Incline Fly (12 x 25)(12 x 25)(12 x 30) <-- left shoulder inhibits these
Hammer Incline Press (12 x 107)(12 x 107)(12 x 117)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
**Note to self: worked out at the Y so not compareable w/other weights**
Back and abs...
Lat sweeps (12 x 75)(12 x 80)(12 x 87.5)(11 x 87.5)
Triangle Bar Pulldown (12 x 87.5)(12 x 92.5)(12 x 100)(10 x 100)
Wide Grip pulldown (12 x 75)(12 x 80)(11 x 80)(10 x 80)
Cable seated rows (12 x 125)(12 x 137.5)(12 x 150)(12 x 155)
Rope twisting crunch (8 x 110)(8 x 120)(8 x 120)
Rope cable crunch (12 x 120)(12 x 130)(12 x 130)
5 min pre-WO warm-up, 45 minutes Spin class (I was teaching), 15 min elliptical
Friday, March 16, 2007
50 min a.m. cardio, 5 min pre-WO warm up
Delts and chest...
DB Bilateral shoulder raise (12 x 15) x 4
DB Shoulder press (12 x 40)(11 x 45)(11 x 45)(10 x 50)
Cable Unilateral front raise (12 x 15)(12 x 15)(12 x 20)(12 x 20)
Unilateral reverse pec dec (12 x 70)(12 x 70)(12 x 80)
DB Incline Fly (12 x 25)(12 x 25)(12 x 30) <-- left shoulder inhibits these
Hammer Incline Press (12 x 107)(12 x 107)(12 x 117)