Ostarine @25mgs
S4 @40mgs split 20/20
Formastanzol @6pumps split 3/3
Morning update:
Upped my carb intake yesterday because of the heavy workout. Looked bloated as hell last night so I cut back on water for the rest of the night, just to reduce water retention as much as possible. Woke up +1lb from yesterday, just to show you how much I retain from consuming carbs.
I woke up looking pretty cut up, considering my body fat %, and not bloated at all. Feeling full and lean today. Really cutting back carbs for the next few days to shed that extra water. I feel better on carb-restricted. Mood is up, libido is up. Strength is still where it needs to be, even though I'm down to 181-183lbs.
Kept carbs <50g today.
Workout went alright, strength felt great but I aggravated a tendon in my elbow yesterday doing squats so I had to cut it a little short and lighter than I had planned. I guess squatting low bar strained my elbow...? Don't even ask me how I managed to do that.
Did sets of 5 on bench. 135/185/225/265/265# and cut it there. Elbow started to feel pretty shitty...
Did some light dumbbell shoulder press followed by some heavy one-arm lateral raises. Finished out the workout with 4 quick sets of machine flyes and 10 minutes of cardio.
I was so frustrated with my elbow that I couldn't push myself through more than 10 minutes of cardio...
Also got my first real
vision sides today with S4 @40mgs. Cars driving by with brighter headlights would look yellowish and burn an imprint of the light in my vision.. so driving home from the gym tonight was pretty rough.
Still bumping to 50mgs tomorrow. Probably doing the 5/2 protocol starting next week. At least we know the S4 is legit--- or my eyes just really suck. Could be either one right now haha
On the bright side, shoulders and upper chest are looking striated as furrrkkkkk in the gym.