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Approved Log RoidRage69 Cutting Log

@RoidRage69 i hate bad sleep
you gots to get some valerian root bro
but the lifts DAMN strong 500!!!
I have plenty of sleep aids. I slept hard for 4 hours and woke up and didn’t feel like laying in bed any longer so I drank my coffee and stayed awake at 3 a.m.
I have plenty of sleep aids. I slept hard for 4 hours and woke up and didn’t feel like laying in bed any longer so I drank my coffee and stayed awake at 3 a.m.
@RoidRage69 yea active mind I bet

I tried to upload my video of my RDL last set but file was too large. I guess evo has a different upload size than here.
do you have the error message you are getting?

Weight 260.8


Barbell Incline Bench Press

Seated Dip Machine
Pec Dec Fly Machine
Tricep Cable Pushdowns
Seated Tricep Ext Machine
210x6 Dropset 150x10 105x10
Ab Machine

Today was a fun day in the gym. Been a while since ive done barbell incline press. Didn't know how strong I was and still don't know where it will end. PR on all lifts today. Lowered the volume down and went heavy. This is the way I love to train. Shoulder feels incredible. No pain still. I still can't believe how easy the weights feel. I swear to god PSL has the greatest gear on earth.

N2BM also has incredible products. I think the HCGenerate stacked with Ostazol and Cardazol is doing a damn fine job at getting my body into high gear. Its the only thing Ive added since going off cycle. Its obviously helping me get stronger while I am in my 5th week of TRT dosing of Test E. I get very warm and sweat like I've never sweated before. My wife can vouch for this. My shirt is soaked after my workout even if I am doing low volume its still soaking wet. I think everyone should use those three products. I am also using the N2Slin but I am not sure how it well it works because I am already taking metformin, but now I can stop taking the berberine since it already has that in N2Slin as well. The ingredients in the product look good to me so I think if anyone has high blood sugars and not taking metformin I would definitely tell them to use the product. I also have the Nutrazol 677 but I am going to hold off on that until after I am finished with my scripct sleep medicine which will run out in the next two weeks. I did try it with that script and it was so strong I felt groggy the next day so I dont think they should be stacked together. It has some great ingredients in it from looking at it so I am excited to see how that works as well. All in all N2BM has top notch product that obviously works from my short 1 week experience with it so far.

Anyway everyone have a good week as the Mrs. and I will be heading to her mom's for the week starting tomorrow so we might be training in a gym we are not used to. Everyone lift heavy and get strong AF with me!!!

Weight 260.8


Barbell Incline Bench Press

Seated Dip Machine
Pec Dec Fly Machine
Tricep Cable Pushdowns
Seated Tricep Ext Machine
210x6 Dropset 150x10 105x10
Ab Machine

Today was a fun day in the gym. Been a while since ive done barbell incline press. Didn't know how strong I was and still don't know where it will end. PR on all lifts today. Lowered the volume down and went heavy. This is the way I love to train. Shoulder feels incredible. No pain still. I still can't believe how easy the weights feel. I swear to god PSL has the greatest gear on earth.

N2BM also has incredible products. I think the HCGenerate stacked with Ostazol and Cardazol is doing a damn fine job at getting my body into high gear. Its the only thing Ive added since going off cycle. Its obviously helping me get stronger while I am in my 5th week of TRT dosing of Test E. I get very warm and sweat like I've never sweated before. My wife can vouch for this. My shirt is soaked after my workout even if I am doing low volume its still soaking wet. I think everyone should use those three products. I am also using the N2Slin but I am not sure how it well it works because I am already taking metformin, but now I can stop taking the berberine since it already has that in N2Slin as well. The ingredients in the product look good to me so I think if anyone has high blood sugars and not taking metformin I would definitely tell them to use the product. I also have the Nutrazol 677 but I am going to hold off on that until after I am finished with my scripct sleep medicine which will run out in the next two weeks. I did try it with that script and it was so strong I felt groggy the next day so I dont think they should be stacked together. It has some great ingredients in it from looking at it so I am excited to see how that works as well. All in all N2BM has top notch product that obviously works from my short 1 week experience with it so far.

Anyway everyone have a good week as the Mrs. and I will be heading to her mom's for the week starting tomorrow so we might be training in a gym we are not used to. Everyone lift heavy and get strong AF with me!!!
@RoidRage69 n2bm is legit and so is PSL super legit
I got crazy sweats and pumps on m1mk ostazol
best pre/intra ive tried in years
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