Results of 11 weeks of Semaglutide.
Start Day Nov 27th 272.5lbs 202.5 Lean lbs
End Day Feb 19th 241.5 187.1 lean lbs
My visceral fat has gone from 22lbs to 17lbs.
31 lbs lost. about half and half fat and muscle, but that will be off as alot of it glycogen depletion/water loss. I expect lean mass to jump relatively quickly while my body gets rid of the semaglutide over the next week and muscle glycogen starts filling up. I am surprised at how my strength has gone up so well while losing all this weight. All in all I am a firm believer in using Semaglutide and will continue to use it for rapid fat loss. Will be taking 8 weeks off from it and then going back onto a tiny .25mg does per week and up to as high as .5mg before stoping it after 8 weeks. I think 8 weeks is the sweet spot for time of use for my goals.