I have a little condition on my cock from some insulin use a while back. The problem is that that my skin around my cock has gotten real tight. Im about to fix this real soon thru my insurance which just took effect...its been getting worse. In short cant get the candy out of the wrapper

Everything decent in this condition in intercourse. But during a bj its real awkward...as you could immagine...cant do everything....and well its not that great...alot less sensetivity and as you could immagine harder to keep it up during oral...unless the woman does more jerking.
Would you freak out real bad if you got into bed with a guy and this was the case?
This is real embarasing and im gettign tired of it...cant wait to get this taken care off as its jost gotten worse.
Would that be an immediate turn off id you couldnt pull it down to the meat..
Any oppinions welcome and you can be honest.