JustinM and Omega, thanx for the positive feedback. I've been on the diet for about 2 months, my parents have been doing it for over 3 months, and a few clients I train are doing a similar approach b/c of thier busy schedules. My clients have all been getting very good results, my parents both lost a lot of weight, both lost over 40lbs so far, and neither of them were obese, and I personally have been getting leaner and tighter. I have a really tough time losing bodyfat, and have trouble losing fat on pretty much every approach. CKD (I have all the books), low carbs, low fat, BFL, everything. My strength is actually going up in a few lifts, although it is not a big concern for me. It used to be when I was playing football in college (I was a lineman) but now I just want to look good and be healthy. A typical day for me is classes and training during the day. I pretty much just drink water, I've gotten used to not eating and really do have more energy and do feel weighed down from the food I would normally eat. I also love the freedom of not having to carry shakes, tupperwares, etc. like I used to to get a meal in every 2.5-3 hrs. I've followed the conventional approaches and they've failed, at least for me, so I really have given this a lot of thought. Nutrition is my main interest and it's what I spend most of my time reading about. I know this plan is radically different but I know it works, and there are several studies to support such an approach. I usually work out between 7-9 pm, then eat between 2-3 lbs top round steak, 15-20 fish oil capsules and either a bag of almonds or green vegetables. I'll tell u this that I'm young and screw around on the weekends, which has slowed my progress, but when I follow this plan strictly during the week, I get noticebly leaner each day, which is hard for me. The key for me is lean protein, not too much fat, and minimal carbs, the more protein I eat the better I look, so I try to eat as much as possible after my workout. I do plan on posting pics in a few weeks, before and after, b/c I wouldnt be making this stuff up, I'm just trying to help and I alway have been one to question conventional knowledge.
MS, I wasn't trying to argue with u, I respect your knowledge and u have a lot of good posts. I understand commercial beef isn't ideal, and grassfed is superior, but on my limited budget I use what I can. But Eating lean commercial beef is a hell of a lot closer to eating close to nature than all the packaged crap you find in the supermarket, or proccessed deli meats available. Its not perfect but much closer than eating other foods, like I said, a completely natural diet would be very hard to mimic, but the closer one can get, the better. I don't see how people don't realize that agricultural foods are so new to our diet, genetically we're 99.98% the same as we were 150,000 years ago, and 10,000 years of new foods is not enough time for our genetics to change to be able to handle them. I'm not making any of this up, this info comes from anthropologist, Dr.'s, scientists.
About our ancestors short lifespans, 1st off they were shorter mainly b/c of the hardships of life. Life was much tougher, and we weren't protected from wild animals. Also, b/c of modern medicine, vaccinations, less death at birth, our life expectency has increased. People on avg. lived less but if they could survive the hardships they could live a long life, and didn't know of autoimmune diseases, heart problems, or diabetes like most of our population today. But for a better example of this, look at societies that today live on a natural diet. The Masai from Africa, who live soley on Meat, Blood, and Goats milk have a life expectency of 73, like Americans. They don't have the same type of modern medicine we have, eat on Avg. 300g fat a day compared to Americans who consume on avg. 100g, and have perfect blood pressure and cholesterol levels, w/ no heart disease, even into old age. Look at the Intuit, the Eskimos, etc. Check out a book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" and you'll get an idea of the detrimental effects of a modern diet, and how they are reversed when cultures return to their primitive diets.
MS, I wasn't trying to argue with u, I respect your knowledge and u have a lot of good posts. I understand commercial beef isn't ideal, and grassfed is superior, but on my limited budget I use what I can. But Eating lean commercial beef is a hell of a lot closer to eating close to nature than all the packaged crap you find in the supermarket, or proccessed deli meats available. Its not perfect but much closer than eating other foods, like I said, a completely natural diet would be very hard to mimic, but the closer one can get, the better. I don't see how people don't realize that agricultural foods are so new to our diet, genetically we're 99.98% the same as we were 150,000 years ago, and 10,000 years of new foods is not enough time for our genetics to change to be able to handle them. I'm not making any of this up, this info comes from anthropologist, Dr.'s, scientists.
About our ancestors short lifespans, 1st off they were shorter mainly b/c of the hardships of life. Life was much tougher, and we weren't protected from wild animals. Also, b/c of modern medicine, vaccinations, less death at birth, our life expectency has increased. People on avg. lived less but if they could survive the hardships they could live a long life, and didn't know of autoimmune diseases, heart problems, or diabetes like most of our population today. But for a better example of this, look at societies that today live on a natural diet. The Masai from Africa, who live soley on Meat, Blood, and Goats milk have a life expectency of 73, like Americans. They don't have the same type of modern medicine we have, eat on Avg. 300g fat a day compared to Americans who consume on avg. 100g, and have perfect blood pressure and cholesterol levels, w/ no heart disease, even into old age. Look at the Intuit, the Eskimos, etc. Check out a book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" and you'll get an idea of the detrimental effects of a modern diet, and how they are reversed when cultures return to their primitive diets.