Ingram my friend, I feel your pain. I did the same thing. At first, I didn't mind frying up some whites with a couple yolks on an almost daily basis. But they got real fuckin' old real fuckin' quick. I tried adding salsa, chicken, chicken and salsa, ketchup, any variety of seasonings, and I still had to force them down.
My solution is a fairly unpopular one, especially on this board. But it's worked very well for me so I'm happy. I now mix up raw egg whites, a shot of protein powder, some equal, flax oil and ice (sometime's some frozen strawberries) in a blender. I've been doing it for months now almost every day and it's the best protein shake I've ever made. It's cheap, hi protein, low carb and tastes like a milkshake.
I get all kinds of flames for this for two reasons. One is the salmonella risk. I've never had that problem yet, but I'm using eggbeaters about half the time now. They're more expensive, but they're also pasteurized. Secondly, there's been a ton of arguments back and forth on the quality of protein in raw vs. cooked eggs. You might do some reading up on that and decide for yourself.
But that's been my experience. Just a suggestion for ya.