Mikkel, I didn't take any before pics, but I am def starting to notice some changes in my body. As I said earlier I'm not a body builder by any means and I put performance over physique on my list of importance. That being said, I still do care about the way I look and as an athlete I do want a body that reflects that. Its hard to verbalize over a key board how I would describe my self physically w/out sounding like a D- Bag but I'm 6' and weigh between 205-207 lbs depending on my diet and other factors. I would say I have noticeable definition in my upper body especially chest and shoulders but my arms are small. Legs are pretty solid and I do carry around some abdominal fat but, not a pot belly. I wear a 34 waist comfortably. That might help establish a base line of my body type for the sake of reporting visible gains for the purpose of this log. Yesterday started week 3 on this cycle and as I predicted the body changes are producing. Shirts are fitting tighter in the chest and I'm looking much harder than I did prior to the start of this Ox cycle. Developing some striations throughout the shoulders and my pants are still fitting the same. IMO that's always a good sign of leaning out and putting on muscle. I'm confident that someone could put on substantial muscle on this cycle if they wanted too with plenty of calories and heavy lifting. But my goal was to put on some muscle and drop body fat at the same time and with out a doubt those results are starting to show themselves.