I"m gauging your progress this way: June - 4 months = 16 weeks away. What do you want to compete at? I'm guessing you're fine around 10%, weight-wise, I'm not sure- depends on how you are built. Let's say 120lb. So you have 8% bf to lose & 10 lbs. Optimally you'd want to be at your competition bodyfat at least 2 weeks before the show so you have room to lean out a little more or whatever if you need it. It gets tricky if you cut yourself too close to the competition date because you start doign all sorts of desperation things to cut down as much as you can - that just isn't good. I always tell people when they are pickign a competition date, try to have a fall back date, maybe for another area show in case you just arent' ready yet.
I don't know if you are currently losing weight on your current diet? If you are still eating for bulking then you need to switch around to cutting.
You want to get your diet rolling such that you are losing at a steady pace, and then tweak it along the way when you start to bog down. Don't rely on doign more cardio to lose weight this far out either -- you may end up at doing 1 hr of cardio 2x/day or something when you get real close, so you don't want to increase the amount of cardio now. So there, you want to start cuttign the calories you are taking in instead of burning your current intake w/ more cardio.
Have you put your current diet into a food calculator like fitday.com to see what your current breakdown is? Carbs are always the part that starts getting cut, but you still want enough to provide energy. It looks like you are eating pretty clean right now. Maybe the apple might get tossed. Might look at substituting real food for one of shakes you are drinking. Let's look at the breakdown first. For your weight I'm thinking you want to be consuming about 1600 calories/day.