I counted my bench peaking workout as my chest/tri day on the start of this new routine Im doing while cutting weight, today is the first proper day of dieting and its gone pretty well so far, Ill type out my diet for today when I go to bed. Weighed myself today when I woke up after I took a piss to see my starting point and Im 209.

Today - Hams, Calves. Morning Workout. Very fast paced, not much rest between sets
-I will also be deadlifting properly on this day when my injury has healed
~15mins cycling
Standing Calf Raise
132lbs x 15
-rest pause-
132lbs x 9
-rest pause-
132lbs x 8
Seated Calf Raise
100lbs x 10
-rest pause-
100lbs x 6
-rest pause-
100lbs x 4
Lying Leg Curl
100lbs x 9
100lbs x 6
90lbs x 8*
*also got a 9th rep but with some body english
RDL w/ Fat Gripz - wow I cant grip shit with these on lol, bar slipped out of my hands on the 10th rep
132 x 10
132 x 8
132 x 6
132 x 4
132 x 2
easy weight for my hams/posterior chain, kept it light because of my injury and the short rests between sets kept it fun. Very hard on my grip... RDL's tear my hams up though and I was getting a stretch on every rep. My calves were twitching like crazy during the set though making my whole body shake lol
HG-150 x 3 on each hand
lol I normally can rep that for over 20 reps but my grip was smoked
DB Complex
1st set: 27.5lb dumbells
2nd set: 27.5lb dumbells - wanted to die/puke at the end of this
3rd set: 22lblb dumbells. Didnt realise my conditioning was so bad, called it quits here, tongue was hanging out like a dog lol
upright row x 6
high pull snatch x 6
squat into pushpress x 6
bent over row x 6
high pull snatch x 6
just over 15mins of cycling, going on a bike ride with a friend later on today too.