SuperShredder said:when i did it i did 3/4 a bottle and then an hour later i did another half a bottle.
yeah i got robo max stregnth cough. dxm only.
me and my buddies and trying get some ketamine or pcp.
Yeah, some like to split the dose especially in the beginning. Doesnt really matter I spose.
I dont mess with illegal stuff, people that I know that have compared K with a higher plateau experience say that dxm is by far more enjoyable. But to each his own, it can be a love it or hate type of thing depending on the individual. Plus dxm is cheap and legal in the US and most countries, you cant flunk a urine test and you can control your experience well if you adjust dose/kg.
Note: At higher plateaus like 3, 4 or sigma(named after the sigma activity of the brain) its recommended to have a sitter. Do NOT use alcohol with this, at larger doses DXM depresses the respiratory system and it will potentiate strongly with alcohol which makes it dangerous. Dont want to end up on the omega plateau.
Evidence of brain damage has not been established conclusively and alot of people who have thought that base it on internet chat on discussion boards because it was hypothesized by William White who wrote the FAQ sections on the boards. Stating that it may cause Olney's lesions and NAN in the brain which was just speculation by one and he stated that although he believes that its possible *his words: "in RARE cases"* he had to admit that Olney's lesions have never been found in humans, ever. It was his hypothesis and it has been discounted by several others, yet its still brought up frequently. There is actually research being done on DXM to prove that it actually can prevent brain damage.
I dont want to say William White is full of shit with the olney's lesions and NAN.
But he is.
He actually has contributed greatly to the safe use of DXM, but his conclusions at times are ludicrous. Yet his views are bandied about as if he were an omnipotent god who doesnt need evidence based research.He uses alot of what he has perceived to have happened to him as evidence as to the effects of longterm use of DXM are. I suspect that he was weird as fuck well before ever using DXM.
As for brain damage one could make the same claim for long term use of marijuana but there friends would probably laugh at them when they argued it.
As with any drug, disassociatives should not be used on a frequent basis or at a very high dose very close in proximity. Most animal studies that infer that damage may occur are at aneshetic levels, which people do not use for recreational purposes. People who may be susceptible to prior brain abnormalities may have them exhibit them. There is an enzyme that some lack that is needed with dxm so someone who decides to do this should start with a small dose to be sure. There are also instances where people who had preexisting conditions such as neural deficits or schizophrenia to name a couple of examples where dxm use had an adverse effect.
If someone chooses to use a substance that is their choice at the moment with this compound as the government has not deemed it to be illegal. There are safe ways and there wrong ways to use it just like steroids. Best to be informed on the matter and an open discussion can help that.
There is what is called the 50 trip limit to DXM where after that most are not able to experience the effects anymore. That is a built in limit to using longterm and limits risk of abuse, it simply becomes pointless as you dont feel the effects to most. There are cases though of long term every day use among addicts. Addiction is bad with any substance, it is of course hard to compare that to recreational use. Some have reported issues while others reported to have been perfectly fine after such abuse. One cannot scientifically infer, at least they havent been able to yet, that it was the dxm or a preexisting condition. There is alot of misinformation about dxm that is being spread to help combat the large rise in teenage users. Teenagers should never use disassociatives or any drugs, and though the campaigns have the best of all intentions by using deceptive claims about the drugs to scare and limit its use. It doesnt always fit the facts and usually backfires as the kids discover the truth and are more likely by nature to use them. Remember reefer madness from the sixties.
Drinking syrup can cause diarrhea and especially vomiting.
Tabs or powder do not.
One should read the FAQ by you guessed it, William White, on erowid or thirdplateau. Although he is a scientific hack at times, its outweighed by all the other good info he offers.
Easy solution, dont do drugs. Pot, alcohol, cocaine, steroids, dxm, K, X, etc... and you dont have to worry about any of this, if you do decide to use any of these substances as I assume some of you will b/c its your choice, then do it wisely and read about it.
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