Hey hey...I'm back from Washington DC. I was there for a business trip and thought I'd escape the cold/snow that we've been having here all winter

WRONG!!! Tuesday they had whiteout conditions, closed schools, but thankfully my flight was on time and I was able to leave before it got real bad.
I did manage to get 2 workouts in while I was there. Not the same as here, but at least I did what I set out to do.
I was up at 3:50am(I have no idea why) but decided to just get up and stay up.
Hit the gym at 5am and worked my legs.
V-Squat 20x90 15x110 15x140 6x160
Leg Press 12x160 12x160 8x180
Lunges~ 3 sets down/back the length of the gym with 15# wts(burn baby burn)
Sumo squats w/35# 15 12 12
Leg extentions 10x70 13x50 12x70 10x75 8x80
Leg curl 16x50 12x55 10x55 12x60
Butt Busters 10x70x3 sets
20 min hills on the treadmill Level 10 3mph
How was your weekend??