Glad that made sense to you. To get a hardbody it takes three things food, weights and some cardio. Right now it looks like you are pretty heavy on the cardio and lacking in the other two. I am assuming that you boyfriend knows his way around a weight room and can help you with a basic mass building routine - If not we can give you the basics but you will need someone to teach you proper form. Now, I said mass buiding and I am sure there are big red stop signs flashing in your head right now, also you said that you gain muscle easily. I am not picking on you but ALL women believe that they build muscle easily, I sang that song for over a year. The reality is that YOU DON"T and you will have to fight for every ounce that you get. It is the fat over a little muscle gain that gives the OH MY GOD I"M HYUGE and I only lifted weights twice illusion.
You also must eat at least 5 times per day, good clean foods and without getting into the whole keto debate I would add oatmeal, yams, vegetables other than salad into your diet plus you need some fat ex. a couple of tablespoons of flaxseed oil, plus lean protein sources. Each meal should have some protein, some carb and a little fat. You cannot build the muscle that you so desperately need with adequate calories. The biggest leap of faith that I ever took was when I accepted the fact that to get to where I wanted to go I was going to have to eat 2500 calories a day. I knew they were lying, that it was a conspiracy to watch me get fat, I knew it would never ever ever work, that somehow I was different. Well, guess what - I'm not and its working!!! The first three weeks is like going to hell, I gained 10 # of water virtually overnight, I felt stuffed all the time but I kept at it. Three weeks later the metabolism kicked in and the water weight dissappeared, I was starving every two to three hours and I began to see small changes in the way that my muscles felt under the fat. I was absolutely bigger than when I started but by doing this the muscle that I am gaining will eventually be the miracle that will help burn off all that fat, where there was flab there is now the beginning of shape and tone and ultimately when you do it this way you end up a smaller size, weigh more and you are hard instead of flabby.