I'm back...personal life issues. Yes, they get in the way of everything else but things have calmed down now. I ordered Levorex, Sesamax, and Cardio Breeze-received them last night. Used the Cardio Breeze this morning-didn't notice much of a difference. Started the others after cardio, not feeling tweeked or anything so that's a plus. Went back to the gym last week-couldn't lift my arms for 4 days...ha ha ha. Eating has been good but not perfect, haven't lost a pound. Oh, and my home scale is about 10 pounds off so I'm starting out at 180, not 170. Therefore I now have 40 pounds to lose and according to my husbands time table, 3 months to do it in. Hell of a goal and with little to no faith in myself, hard to imagine actually making it. I actually can't see myself losing any weight, as I haven't done anything but gain it for the last 3 1/2 years. That's not entirely true-I did lose some weight but I haven't been able to lose more then 10 pounds. I have no will power, no drive, and no ability to stick to anything weight-loss wise. If I am unable to lose the weight I will be getting divorced, which although I don't want to happen, I resent the threat. I resent it enough to basically self-defeat anything I start. It's the same arguement that fat women all over the world make-if he really loved me the weight wouldn't matter. I'm not obese but I'm fat and he doesn't like that. And if you factor in all of the other things that have been going on between him and I (which I can't get into as he will read this) I am the EXACT opposite of motivated by certain actions. I want to lose the weight for myself as I'm not happy with myself physically but the more he pushes and threatens the less I want to do it. Fucked up I know and no doubt in my own head but a serious challenge just the same. I've considered just leaving him to avoid the entire situation, if I cut him and his demands out maybe I'd actually be able to lose the weight. not to mention that I may not have such a low/negative self-esteem if I didn't have to see the way that he looks at me or other such things. It's hard to get motivated when you already start out feeling like a worthless failure.