I'm here, I'm here....no more internet at work so not as much posting as before
Did I fall off the wagon? Sort of. Yes. Last weekend went to Napa for my anniversary/birthday. It was wonderful but I think I consumed somewhere around 35,000 calories
This past week hasn't been the greatest. Only two days of cardio-no 3-can't remember. Diet not in check as am hopeless loser.
Actually going through logs right now trying to come up with a diet. Have determined that a VERY structured diet of food prepared and measured out before hand may be the best thing for me. SO now I have new questions....
OK, so there's some formula of what percentage of fat, carbs, and protein you should take in...what is it? I can't find it. I really liked Scorpiogirl's diet-parts of it-but
my husband says it's too much fat. What would it cost me to have one of you just design a diet for me???
It seems no matter what I always make the wrong choices!!!!