OK, I don't know where your priorities are, but isn't the woman supposed to handle the wedding stuff. She'll just decide what she wants anyways.jpt said:you've never met an asshole like mine lol
ok so i've been ridiculously busy with wedding stuff and work stuff...i only made it to the gym twice this week due to unavoidable dinners. i was supposed to hit shoulders wed and then legs last night....did not happen.
new plan of attack for today: i have to train arms but i think i'll do some ohp's and squats first then move on to arms. here is what i'm thinking
ohp 3x5 then a drop set for like 8 or so
squats 3x15-20
incline db curls 2x6-8
hammer curls 2x6-8
pushdowns 2x6-8
cgbp 2x6-8
hoepfully i can fit this under 50 minutes or so b/c i want to do cardio as well after and i don't feel like staying in the gym for an hour and a half.

all I had to do was show up at the rehearsal & the wedding. Well, I was stationed overseas at the time & there was no internet, so the Mrs. handled it all.
Don't sweat it. It's only 2 weeks, & life'll be back to normal. I rmeember the excitement & the apprehension. Great time.