nice job dzls. i always said form is more important than the weight. i do as much weight as i possibly can without sacrificing form. that way, you prevent injury.
180 lb dumbell rows, wow!! ive never seen 180lb db before. my gym goes up to 150lb which is the most ive ever seen. the hardest thing for me about going heavy on db rows is holding onto the weight. i can do 120's but the weight kills my hands and the straps dont help all that much. the weights kinda slip outta my fingers so i end up putting it down after about 4 reps for 1 sec and then pound out another 2. we'll see if i can handle 130's next week. i keep promising a lat pic and i promise, its coming.
as far as this thread being a competition, i think its more of a forum for dzls, city, sgt, bunny and me to shoot the shit and discuss what's going on.
this is prob the longest post ive posted in this thread but i have to add one more thing. i was doing reverse barbell shrugs in the squat rack and when i went to put the weight down, i accidentally missed on one side and it nearly missed my ankle. it actually grazed my calf and then hit the floor. everyone around was like, are you alright as i said yes and lifted the 225lbs up with one hand. it took me a couple minutes to realize that if it did hit me, i wouldve ended up being carted out since it would've snapped by ankle.