Over the past month I have been training with a personal trainer twice a week and thanks to her, intensity has a whole new meaning. This is great but I've noticed that after these high intensity sessions, especially legs, I have real trouble sleeping.
Training time of day, length of workout, nutrition don't alter, nor does it make any odds whether its a weekday night or the weekend, I end up with only 2 or 3 hours a night. Touch wood so far in my life I have been out for the count within minutes of going to bed, and stress levels are constant too. Was wondering if anyone else on the board has had a similar experience?
I don't think its overtraining as I have increased rest days and reduced sets. (BTW, thanks to all exponents of less can be more, this is SUCH a good lesson to have learned).
Training time of day, length of workout, nutrition don't alter, nor does it make any odds whether its a weekday night or the weekend, I end up with only 2 or 3 hours a night. Touch wood so far in my life I have been out for the count within minutes of going to bed, and stress levels are constant too. Was wondering if anyone else on the board has had a similar experience?
I don't think its overtraining as I have increased rest days and reduced sets. (BTW, thanks to all exponents of less can be more, this is SUCH a good lesson to have learned).