i train like mentzer tought (H.I.T) i train 3 days a week but i have gotten great results from training 2 times a week. i used to train like this...
week 1
thursaday: chest, Back
week 2
Mon: legs
thurs: shoulders tris bis
week 3
(same as week 1)
week 4
(same as week 2).....and so on.
i now train with slightly more volume and 1 more day a week. my intesity its still extremely high.
my current workout plan is like this:
monday: shoulder tris bis
wed: legs
fri back chest....
i am about to change my workout plan for the new year to an 7 day cycle like this....
Mon: shoulder tris
tues: back
wed off
thurs chest bis
fri off
sat legs
sun off
* note i am doing about 1-2 sets per exercise with and about 4 exercises per major muscle group and 2-3 exercises for bis, tris, calves etc
so i never do more than 8 sets total per bodypart.