surely u can't compare a warm up pump to the pump u get after a high volume workout, get the fug out of u must be a ratard, personally i like to stay with heavy weights low reps/sets and don't get nearly that pump i did when i tried super sets and high volume but my strength is way better and the gains are much better too... pumps are way overrated especially if you're trainin natural, maybe if you're juiced to the max it doesn't matter but i dont see people that train natural puttin on a lot of size or gettin crazy strength from doin high volume workouts, not gonna happen, im sure they get great pumps tho... my last point would be that i get a max leg pump everytime i stay on the bike over 10 mins and im pretty sure that's not doin shit for my leg size or strength
great question though OP i doubt anybody could prove it one way or the other, from my experience i say huge pumps are not related to strength and/or gains
great question though OP i doubt anybody could prove it one way or the other, from my experience i say huge pumps are not related to strength and/or gains