New member
I was sitting at the breakfast table this morning at work and I was finishing my meal of egg whites and oatmeal with a half of a mango. It was quite good and my coworker was eating a snickers. He laughed at me and said, "why don't you just eat a candy bar instead of the fruit, as fas as the sugar goes, it's the same thing and it tastes much better". Well, I was a little ashamed that I couldn't refute him on that, but I quickly proceeded to lambaist him with how much fat was in that candy, no vitamins, etc, etc but the sugar thing got me. I love fruit, I eat a lot of it and I have wondered if I could lose some weight if I dropped the fruit. I have a horrible sweet tooth and I have managed to replace candy and baked goodies with fruit as my sweet tooth cure. As far as the body goes, is sugar in all it's forms really just sugar when it's all processed down in the body? I've heard a ton of theories over the years but just try and eat healthy, that includes fruit. Advise please.