LOL first off the lethal dosage of dnp is 2-grams. I do not need to read about dnp because I have done that about 2 years ago. I have a good amount of cycles under my belt and i have gone up to 800mg on industrial and crystal. Dont ask if I used dnp why am I so heavy, well the the answer is that I used dnp awhile ago.gymratforlife said:lol I knew I wasnt the only one that saw that.On the other hand 500mg of DNP could probably make him lose 230 lbs in a months time,meaning he will be underground.DNP is nothing to be fugged with,take it from an experience user,that has ran a few cycles of it and has ran it as long as a whole month.That shit is no joke,it can and will hurt you badly if you make the slightest mistake,I also would recomend you to start off with 200 mgs for the first 4-5 days and wait till it builds up in your system before going up to 400mg.
PS: trust me, no need for 200mg lol...400 mg is very low for me. I have 250mg caps so Im using 500mg. Do you know who dinitro is?