This is how my morning started today, i had a glass of milk and 2 lipoflmae and went to the gym.
Full body work out day.
I did:
Eliptical 5 minutes (HR started at 102 ended at 139)
Db lunges 1x12 1x10 ( 10lbs each hand)
leg press 2x12 (99lb) 1x28 (115lgs ) used machine
leg extension 1x12 (44lbs) 2x12 ( 52lbs) machine
calf ext 1x12 (20lbs) 2x12 (40lbs
DB incline press 2x12 (8lbs) 1x12 (10lbs)
wide grip lat pulldown 1x12 (72lbs) 1x12 (57lbs) 1x12 (72lbs)
straight arm pulldown 1x12 (40lbs) 1x12 (60lbs) 1x14 (70lbs)
front raise DB 1x12 (5) 1x12 (8) 1x19 (8)
lateral raise 2x12 (5lbs)
alternate db curl 3x12 (8lbs)
triceps press 1x12 (10lbs) 2x12 ( 12.5 lbs)
triceps pushdown 1x20 (40lbs) 1x12 (50lbs) 1x14 (60lbs)
seated cable roww 5 minutes 786 meters
post work out I had 5ml L-glutamine powder and a protein shake ( 1 cup soy mil, 1/2 cup patmela, 1 banana, 2 scoops protein powder (whey) 1/2 spoon PB and ice)
Now the question, how long after a work out should i eat? what i ate was ok?
What should i eat before a work out? Any other spupplements or vitamins that i should take?
Later today i plan on going in and doing some cario only. My bosy is very sore from the workoutt this weekend, the classes with kickboxing hit the muscles really good