Sassy69 said:
Flor -- omg girl. You are beautiful! I'm so happy for you! Exactly like Shadow said -- when you are visibly dropping bodyfat, esp in the mid-section, your skin needs a little bit of time to catch up. It will tho. "Loose skin" is partially made up of water & little pockets of fat - not flab fat -but fat- and its just part of continuing the diet and getting past the "macro" level fat (the stuff that makes you look 'thicker' all around) and down to the micro level refinement. But I see a huge difference in your hips -- the "curvey" part you are talking about. Yea the ol' breast tissue does drop a bit -- just part of the "price" of droppign bodyfat.
Basically the whole thing is about getting rid of the excess and then reshaping what is left. The "curvey" you had before was due to excess bodyfat -- now you are shaving that off to the shape of your body and then adding in some muscle to the places where the curves look better
I think you will be amazed at what you see in the coming weeks. As you go thru the transition of dropping the bodyfat & building the muscle, you do spend some time looking a little flat or w/ the loose skin, but its just a matter of continuing w/ the program - it all takes time, but see can see the transition and it just keeps getting better. And while you are seeing it happen, you also can say "Yea, I did that! And NO I'm not 18yrs old and yes I'm a mom and I'm hot, tight and vibrant - keep up if you can...!"
Oh Sass you are such a good sport! I understand perfectly what you mean when you say about getting past the macro level of fat to the micro level.
I would like to share my experience with everyone, in case it may be helpful.
Now that you remind me of how changing levels of BF% happen and show, I am once again at the point where it is so critical not to let my body try to induce me to eat things that will not allow it to get to the next lower level! And for that matter also the mind!
It's like there is a little switch that activates all the little ¨people¨cells, army like batallions...LOL....that just fight desperately to stay in my body, not wanting to go...
Not a set point really, I think that comes before, (in the curvier me) more of a survival method, (my recurring experiece at this point is...¨see that fat is still there just abandon it, give up, keep living the simple easy life¨...etc).
I have felt this way before and I am trying to encourage anyone who has felt it, to not let the negative part fo your body, or your mind conquer you!
I have felt this several times and I have not been succesful all the times! Some just for a couple of days, and then just plain give in.
And society does not help, on the contrary, they just go on about me being obsesed, or down right crazy.
(I don't understand why it can be ok to tell someone thay are too thin, or why they can give out opinions on thinness, and not feel intrusive...BUT if you even suggest someone is overweight..DANG IT...YOU are rude!)
Yesterday I said I had to conquer my vainty and posts the pictures, well I did have recurring thoughts during my brisk walk, about just not getting to the BF level I wanted, so why even diet!
I am now aware these thoughts are both a pshycological matter and I am truly believing that they are also FAT ARMY related.
I am posting these thoughts to help anyone or everyone who encounters these feelings!
Do not let your mind, body or even your concience (angel vs. devil in cartoons) play these tricks on you.
You are not doing any harm to your body, so do not let it win the battle!
A comparison comes to mind just now, I see it as if I were trying to leave an ugly habit behind, as if I were trying to get hooked off drugs, either I or a friend, and I or He/She knew of no other way of life, and were terrified to seek a better life....
How the cowardness of feeling pain, just paralized us, and we BY CHOICE decided to stay in a life that had so little, if any satisfaction.
And came to a steady slow death day by day.
I think we can all learn from each other, and do as we please.
Let's do what we are here for, and strive for perfection, because by gaining control of our fears we become stronger and able to shine in this oh so cloudy world!
Let our sunshine out and project ourselves as beautiful healthy persons.
There is no way we would harm what we love best, and what is our means of comunication and our transportation and our most cherished belonging...
OUR BODY, that without the blood that pumps through it would have no life, no passion, no strength.
There is no point in having it, if we are not using it to thank our creator and give him something in return!
Ooo la la..
I hope this read helps someone as much as it has helped me write it.
Have a nice day and remember, it is time to give back.
Lets give the world ONE MORE MASTERPIECE...