Well-known member
im 5'6 at 167 about 10% bodyfat. so i can relate a bit. the reason you're feeling fat is because you're putting alot of sugar into your body and thats probably what making you fat(around the gut, atleast). ive been bulking with a shitload of clean foods and i still have abs. i have a progress pic somewhere on this site. the reason why those bodybuilders look that ripped at 5'5 and 150 is because they have a shitload of muscle that they put on in the off-season. i believe they could have bulked up to around 200 pounds and then cut down to 150. they put on a shitload of muscle, then they lost the fat on top of it. bodybuilders bulk with alot of food and cut with very little food. theres not really an in between imo (for bodybuilders at least, ITS ALWAYS TO THE EXTREME) they do whatever they have to do to get to that bodyfat percentage on the day of the show. EAT 6 MEALS A DAY, EVERY 2-3 HOURS, EAT AS MUCH CLEAN FOODS AS POSSIBLE, DO SOME CARDIO, AND THERE SHOULDNT BE A REASON WHY YOU DONT HAVE ABS. I HONESTLY BELIEVE YOU DONT HAVE ABS IS BECAUSE ALL THAT SUGAR IS BEING STORED AS FAT.
ya i just recuded my sugars on this food run i just went on today, so ill see how it goes