Ok, here we go then, long post, sorry for that.
Am 49 to turn 50 in Aug.
6'1" @ 235, BF% according to my AccuMeasure calipers is 20.
Resting pulse is 70bpm.
I consider myself to be an intermediate lifter.
Am on TRT as follows, 200ml Test Deconate/week and 200ml Nandrolone Decanoate/week.(joints and soft tissues). Am also on .5mg Aeromasin ED and .5mg Dostinex (2x)wk.
I have skimmed through this entire string pretty much from start to finish.
I think that page 32 from 4 April 08 pretty much applies to me except for the TRT.
So I am an Meso/Ecto at this point in my life.
I am carrying too much dam fat, but dont really look like I am....
My current workout is as follows,
General warm up, Bike 10 min @ 130-150 bpm,
Wrist rollers 3 sets overhand, 3 sets underhand @35 lbs
A day-PUSH usually Mon or Thur
Squats warm up, 3 x10 at body weight
squats,work sets 3x10
Bench warm up 2 x 20 at bar, 3 x 8-12 work sets
Dips warm up 1 x 10 bench dip
Dips full body weight 3 x 8-12 (legs hanging non supported)
DB milt press no warm up, work sets 2 x 8-12
B day PULL usually Wed or Fri
10 min general warm up Bike @ 130-150 bpm
Wirst Rollers 3 sets overhand, 3 sets underhand @ 35 lbs
Hang cleans, warm up 2 x 10 @ bar, worksets 3 x 8-12
Stiff leg dead, warm up 2 x 10 @ 105. Work sets 3 x 8-12
BB bent over row, no warm up, 3 x 8-12
Pull ups right now at 30 reps, goal 80 reps however I can get there.
C day usually Sun (Fill in day)
Db alt curls warmup 2 x 20, work sets 4 x 6-8 heavy
BBL drag cursl no warm up 5 x 5
CGB warm up 2 x 20 worksets 5 x5
Standing calf press 70 rps however I can get there
Wrist rollers same as above.
Wide grip upright BBL rows no warm up, 3 x 8-12
Protien shake immediatly after every workout with 2% milk
Tyipcal breakfast
either 2 eggs and ham, with hash browns( 2 Tblsp) and whole wheat toast
Large bowel of cereal.
snack, glass of 2% milk or a couple of slices of lunch meat and water
lunch, typically a heafty sandwich and water.
snack, either a glass of 2% mild or a couple of slices of lunch meat
Dinner typically a heafty rib steak, or Sirloin Pork Chops (2x) plus very generous portion of veggies with olive oil and lime.
Eat nothing after 8:00 p.m.
Ok so thats me for now. But I want to look better and be stronger of course.
So Wolf, can you help me out here? and THANKS!
PS. really want to move toward hypertrophy in big way.