First leg day of my deloading period..
I worked for the first time in months today and it was rough work.... I hit 9 hours of labourous work today followed by a workout.. followed by a 30 minute run and a 40 minutes walk...
This is my first time sitting down since 6am this morning..
anyways... I've dropped 2 lbs of water since yesterday.. the rest should be gone by tomorrow I hope..
But here was todays deloading lowerbody work out
Bent Knee, arched back GM's
2x5x165 <-- I think this is a PR
2x5x155 <--- Totally toar the 2 week old scab off my shin... A scar is ineviteable.. lol
Reverse Hypers
Decline Crunches
3x10xbodyweight+40 <--- SO easy...
Side Bends
My lower back feels like somebody jumped on it 100x.... I love it!