Okay so I really need some help deciding what I should do with my cycle. I just finish the 10th week of the primo cycle and I have enough for 2 more weeks… I am supposed to shoot tomorrow so I need some answers…
Here is the deal. I am doing my playboy shoot June 8 so 11 days away… So if I did the 2 last shots that would take me right up until a couple days before the shoot… I CAN’T risk being bloated or anything for this… BUT…. Here is the problem….
On June 9 and 10 I have something REALLY IMPORTANT… That could completely change my life…. I won a contest that I can’t talk about just yet but don’t worry I will let you guys know because you will all have to vote for me… Think Trish from Canada… don’t say anything if you know because it’s in the contract right now not to talk about it…
Okay so I need to look REALLY BUFF for this thing… Like if you saw me walking down the street you would be afraid but also turned on at the same time… I know weird shit…
SO I am planning on sodium depleting and I am just going to be a little bloated for the playboy shoot because I know I am way too ripped for that… But I made a promise to shoot it so if they like the photos great if not… f**k em… But the bigger deal is the next two days so that I when I want to look perfect for those days….
Okay so should I NOT inject this coming week and just focus on diet etc… Or should I finish the cycle out…. I also have var and winny… Would this help to tighten me up for the last 10 days.. if so how should I take it?
Okay here is a link to some pictures from yesterday… PLEASE CRITIQUE!!! BE blunt because remember playboy and this other thing aren’t going to be nice so I need so good criticism so I know what I should work on these last few days….
Thank you all…. FOR EVERYTHING… I seriously couldn’t have done this without everyone’s support!!