Sounds good to me, and kinda appealing acutally.... think this would actually help me possibly cut some... or gain lean muscle while this diet would be eating 10000x cleaner than what I have going on right now in the process of shedding some blub?
Sounds good to me, and kinda appealing acutally.... think this would actually help me possibly cut some... or gain lean muscle while this diet would be eating 10000x cleaner than what I have going on right now in the process of shedding some blub?
Update - well, things got off to a slow start with my bloodwork being looked at every week and md visits, but I'm back and on track with the diet (actually lost a few pounds), but Feb.1 the madness begins....may have to get a little dirty with this diet a few times a week to catch up on lost ground....I want to cut again to be ready for sum-sum-summmmatime.....