OK..........I'm back
Have had a pretty rough week and training has been sporatic, meals have been fair. No rubbish, just not to schedule and quantity.
Not sure what day I'm up to so will fill in later
Monday 26th Feb
Meals as above
All wieghts in kgs
[email protected] Plate Lat Pulldown - wide
[email protected] Plate Lat Pulldown - narrow
[email protected] T-Bar Rows
1x8@30 Assisted Chins
1x8@20 Assisted Chins
3x6@25 Flat BB Close Grip
3x6@20 Bench Dips - feet up
3x6@6 Sit Ups - medi ball throw
3x6@36 Machine Crunches
2x45sec Transverse Hovers
30min X-Trainer
Tuesday 27th Feb
Legs-Low Back
2x6@110 45 degree Leg Press
2x6@40 Deep BB Squats
2x6@30 Reverse Smith Lunges
2x6@50 Inverted Calf Raises
2x6@50 Donkeys
2x6@40 Seated Calf Raises
4x6@30 Bent Knee BB Deadlifts
2x45sec Transverse Hovers
20mins Treadmill
10mins Rower
Wednesday 28th Feb
4x6@20 Standing BB Front Press
4x6@25 BB Upright Rows - close
4x6@15 Smith Front Press
2x6@4 Lateral Reverse Leg Raise - ball
2x6@15 Full Sit Up - plate
2x45sec Transverse Hovers
30min X-Trainer
Will post up pics later in the week for comparison.