"I have been training for many years, done various anabolic’s and have never really had a problem attaining my goals natural or otherwise. However on a scale from one to ten I would rate my nutritional knowledge somewhere near a 5. This has always bothered me and today I have decided to do something about it and I need your help. Every time I attempt to learn more about the more advanced relationship between nutrition and bodybuilding I find myself beginning to be overwhelmed. Masters of diet, think back to when you were in my shoes (barely an intermediate in nutrition) and try to help point me in the right direction so myself and others can take it to the next level. Thanks for any help… K+
Seems like you might be the perfect candidate for SC's diet. I've heard good things about it and he lays everything right out for you.
Seems like you might be the perfect candidate for SC's diet. I've heard good things about it and he lays everything right out for you.