Hey then why do you come here and try to stir the drama brew?
And don't negative karma me for my opinion, sure if I call you a kunt thats one thing, red me up. But I was mearly making an observation. Who the fuck cares what I think? I don't give two shits what you think, fuck your a whacked out old bird who for all intensive purposes is like and aligator purse. Sure in your day you were something, but how many people really bought aligator purses? You would be e-liked a hell of a lot more if your wern't such an drama troll. Again its nothing personal, I am just trying to help you out, and am I a little forward? Yes, do I mean to hurt your feelings? Well sometimes we all need a little redirection and if in the end its for the better than it is for the better.
And lastly this is a juizer board and I am not running for cool juizer of the month. I have a wife and a shit load of kids. I hardly come to CnC. So non of the cool peps on here really give 2 shitz what I think either way.
Lol she redded me too for my post about her. I'm going to start give her red for every post I don't like coming from her, which is pretty much every one. "Oh no someone said something about me I didn't like, I'm going to red them." Like Welcome to C&C bish.