Oh prolly at least a few hundred.. i mean just do the math...
I lost my virginity at my 12th birthday party
prolly nailed 10-15 girls till i was 17 or so.
then since 18 ive had maybe 5 years where i was in monogamous relationships with 3 diff girls. so that leaves 9 years of free range hunting
I prolly averaged about 2 a month over that time.. so 24 a year for 9 years is 212+ 15-20
so ya like 230-240 different chicks....
I mean, its just sex... i dont see what the big deal is...Ive gotten shit for it from friends and family... but im like come on, its not a fuckin mars landing... its something everyone does...Im good at it... Women seem to like to fuck me, who am i to turn em down?