Since we all know here that "abs are made in the kitchen" (as per Sassy
) and not by doing endless crunches ....... Another thing to think about, What not change *all* the exercises she does?
She can work core strength through many compound movements, some by the nature of their movements (i.e., deadlift, squat) and some by tweaking it to add a core strength component (i.e., doing DB OH Raises without back support or on a stability ball). This will work the abs - then entire core - without endless "ab bench crunches" (BAH, crap anyway).
Also, doing stability ball ab work is MUCH more beneficial for the abdominal region than those ab benches and "lying side crunches" (BAH again). There are some KICK ASS core work to be done on the ball.
The BEST 2 exercises on the ball (IMO) ....
1) Pike - get on the ball in pushup position, hands on floor, ball under shins, body stright and flat like a board. Push the butt to the ceiling, legs stay stright, body looks like an upside-down 'V'. Push legs back out into plank position. Repeat. KILLS the entire core and the UB also.
2) Curl Up - again, plank position, ball under upper shins. Curl the knees toward the chin, and the ball should roll up until the top of the feet are on the ball. Push back out and repeat.
I have always found those two exercises to KILL my core. JMO.

She can work core strength through many compound movements, some by the nature of their movements (i.e., deadlift, squat) and some by tweaking it to add a core strength component (i.e., doing DB OH Raises without back support or on a stability ball). This will work the abs - then entire core - without endless "ab bench crunches" (BAH, crap anyway).
Also, doing stability ball ab work is MUCH more beneficial for the abdominal region than those ab benches and "lying side crunches" (BAH again). There are some KICK ASS core work to be done on the ball.
The BEST 2 exercises on the ball (IMO) ....
1) Pike - get on the ball in pushup position, hands on floor, ball under shins, body stright and flat like a board. Push the butt to the ceiling, legs stay stright, body looks like an upside-down 'V'. Push legs back out into plank position. Repeat. KILLS the entire core and the UB also.
2) Curl Up - again, plank position, ball under upper shins. Curl the knees toward the chin, and the ball should roll up until the top of the feet are on the ball. Push back out and repeat.
I have always found those two exercises to KILL my core. JMO.