Yes, you can find alpha lipoic acid at a gnc store, it comes in either 50 or 100 mcgs.(or maybe mg's, I forgot). Alpha lipoic acid won't help you "burn" carbs, it will greatly enhance your utilization of carbs. Alpha lipoic acid along with chromium will enhance your muscle cells sensitivity to carbs, they work as catalysts with insulin in the glycogen storage process. A good multi vitamin to buy, if you are at GNC, the Ultra Mega Green is a great product with digestive enzymes, your full vit/min complex, extra herbs, fatty acids, antioxidants, etc. But it is expensive. Lastly, some decent appetite suppressants are l-tyrosine, 5-htp, hydroxcitic acid. Overall, a good thermogenic product may help stave off cravings, usually some of the products mentioned above will be included. Hope that helps.....anyone else feel free to add more info!