So yesterday was my 2nd pin of week 3 of test e 250mg. First week i pinned each ventrogluteal, 2nd week I did quad and delt. This Week i did both ventros again. The first week i had some pip but it was bearable. Quad pip was horrible, couldnt walk normal for 2 days, delt had pip too but was bearable also. So this 3rd week i thought the pip would be less but its actually more intense. Today is friday and my right ventro is still a bit sore. My left ventro is so fuukn sore that i can barely walk. I had a horrible sleep last night cus of the pain. The pinning went very smooth yesterday so i know it wasn't my technique. After the injection the pip doesn't come till about 8 hours later. It was killing me this morning driving my manual car when pushing down the clutch. The site is not bruised or hott, nor swelled. I thought the pip was suppose to be less after every injection? I almost want to stop the cycle just because of this last pin pip. The test e is Radjay Pharmaceuticals. Also i did heat up the oil before injecting. Not sure what i should do. The vials have a sticker on them where u scratch it to reveal a code number so you can look it up on their website to see if its fake but when i scratched it the numbers scratched off too on all 3 vials. I chatted with the manager of the website where i got the gear from and he didnt even know what PIP was. Seemed like he got a bit upset because he was like "we dont sell fake shiet!"