Legs today!
70x 10, 10, 10
I'm pretty sure I can go up a lot more in weight next week, it felt light.
65 x 10
90x 6, 6, 6
95 x 6 (PR)
Leg extensions
100 x 10
110 x 8
120 x 6, 6
Lying curls
40 x 6, 6, 6
For some reason this exercise does not jive with me. It feels awkward, makes my calves cramp, and feels 'wrong' Maybe I'll phase it out?
Walking lunges x 80
I feel really good today
Trick or Treat!
Nice leg workout trex! I'm also not a huge fan of the lying leg curl. It just doesn't jive with my body either. I'll do them every other workout with hesitation, but I do love the seated curl and SLDL's with db's. Do you do your SLDL's with a barbell or db?
Great job on the squats! Woohoo!