MAR 16 05
Yohimburn, HIIT, 3 hydroxy
creatine, 1 glucorell-r
M1 protein (30), and glutamine, cream of wheat
M2 1 serving of peanuts
2 glucorell-r
M3 turkey 1C, 2 slices whole wheat bread, veggies of some sort
3 Hydroxy, 1 glucorell-r
M4 Carbwise bar
M5 protein (30), glutamine
1 hydroxy, 2 glucorell-r
M6 med. chicken breast, potato, salad
M7 1/4C pecans
3 Levorex
1686 calories, 176g protein, 62g fat, 113g carbs (12g fiber)
I will add some more carbs in here as I need to up that to about 150. This is my first of the three days back to higher carbs.